Wednesday, October 4, 2023Most drivers are aware of the more common driving hazards like tailgating, speeding, aggressive driving and driving under the influence of alcohol. While all of these dangers are real, there are others that may have escaped your notice. The following overlooked driving hazards don't get much press, but they can still cause accidents. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 5, 2023When you apply for an auto insurance policy, your agent will give you a quote on the premium you will be expected to pay. You might pay it in a lump sum, or in installments throughout the policy term. However, when the time comes to renew your policy, you might see that your premium is higher than it was previously. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 17, 2023When you enroll in car insurance, your agent might ask you if you want to set up your policy to automatically renew. This means that at the end of each term, usually annually, your auto policy will renew for the next term without requiring action from you. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 4, 2022Auto insurance can be a big expense, but it’s a necessary one. Fortunately, there are ways to lower your premiums, if you take the time and initiative to carry out a few tasks. Here are six actions you can do to help lower your next bill: 1. Raise Your Deductible READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 20, 2022Getting rear-ended at a stoplight is not your fault. After all, another moving vehicle ran into the back of your stopped car. Still, even an accident that isn’t your fault might cause your auto insurance rates to rise. As unfair as it sounds, this is because you still represent a higher financial risk to the insurer following any type of vehicle accident. READ MORE >>
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